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ISO 17025 Gloss Meter Calibration Services

Our laboratory is specialised in Gloss Meter calibration services and is the only company in United Kingdom accredited with ISO 17025 to perform this kind of service.

Gloss Meter Calibration in accordance with BS EN ISO 2813:2014

AMECaL provides Gloss Meter Calibration services at its state of the art laboratory based in Newcastle upon Tyne.


AMECaL recognises the need for an accurate and efficient Gloss Meter Calibration service and has the in house capability to calibrate both the instruments and reference standards. The service we provide is one of our most specialised and is used extensively in the coatings, plastics and cosmetics sectors.


Gloss is important in a number of industries because it represents the customer or user’s visual perception of items such as cars, ships and aircraft or maybe something as simple as a hotel reception floor. Surfaces with high reflectance can be classed as shiny and will give high readings on a Gloss Meter, where as surfaces classed as dull with low reflectance will give lower readings. The International System of Units (SI Unit) for Gloss Measurement is GU (Gloss Unit) and represents the amount of light reflected off a surface at three different angles. 




Some in the industry believe independent calibration of Gloss Meters is unnecessary due to the fact most have a self calibration facility and gloss tile as a known standard, so why calibrate? It is important to recognise the self calibration facility only checks one single point on the meter, also how do you know the gloss tile still maintains the same properties as it did when the meter was purchased? Independent verification by AMECaL carries out all the necessary checks to allow you to conform with BS EN ISO 2813:2014.


AMECaL offers a quick turnaround Gloss Meter Calibration Service with your equipment checked, cleaned and calibrated in the space of 3-5 working days. A priority 1-2 day turnaround is also available for urgent requirements. The list below outlines some of the brands of Gloss Meter we have calibrated in the past:


  • Beta Industries,

  • BYK Gardner

  • Dr Lange

  • Elcometer

  • Photovolt

  • Rhopoint

  • Sheen

  • Technidyne

  • Zehntner


Our team of experts understand that every customer has custom requirements and that is why we are always open for custom quotes.

Please, feel free to Contact Us directly either by phone or email for any further information or enquiries.



Met-Cal House

Fisher Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


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