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ISO 17025 Loop Tester Calibration

Our laboratory is specialised in calibration of loop testers. Contact us Today to find out more about our services

Loop Tester Calibration

AMECaL is specialised in working with many different makes and models of loop testers. We are accredited with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by Perry Johnson Laboratories for most of our services, including certified loop tester calibration. Over the 15 years of our existence on the market we were able to repair and calibrate thousands of these instruments. AMECaL sells its own brand of electrical and environmental test equipment, including AMECaL ST-5301 loop tester. We take an active part in development process of new test tools and our laboratory is equipped with the best high-end calibrators available on this planet.


Loop testing which is also known as earth loop impedance testing is one of the most important electrical tests that contractors perform when they work with electrical installations. It is used to verify if the system will be able to protect itself against any faults that may occur to one or more of its components by shutting down the circuit (circuit breaker or a fuse) on time and preventing any further damage. Any fault to the electrical system could cause its complete destruction and fire hazards.


Any electrical and environmental test equipment should be recalibrated over time. Humidity, pressure, temperature and human handling can have strong impact on accuracy and precision of any tool. Our laboratory offers calibration services of a given tool every 6 – 12 months to ensure its proper working order.


AMECaL can calibrate any make or model of loop tester in accordance to the British National Standard (traceable loop tester calibration) and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international standard (ISO 17025 loop tester calibration). Our dedicated team of experts is waiting to meet requirements of the most demanding customers. Over the years of existence of our company we managed to build good relationships with many companies around the world. Our accreditation is one of the most important achievements and a quality label for our services.



Met-Cal House

Fisher Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


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