ISO 17025 Electrical Calibration Services
Most of our technicians have a strong background in the field of Electrical Calibration. We are specialised in Electrical calibration and repair. Please feel free to contact us via telephone or email to check what we have to offer, no matter how big or small.
Electrical Equipment Calibration
AMECaL offer a professional and experienced service providing a wide and varied spectrum of calibration and repair services for a vast array of electrical testing and measuring equipment employed in industry today, from simple proving units and voltage indicators to high accuracy precision multimeters and standard resistors.
We are specialists in electrical calibration and repair; our laboratory is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation Inc, (PJLA), in the field of electrical calibration and various other fields. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.
Our company understands that every situation is different and that is why we are always open for custom quotes.
The following are some of the services we offer:
ISO 17025 Ammeter Calibration
ISO 17025 Digital Multimeter Calibration
ISO 17025 Function Generator Calibration
ISO 17025 Frequency Oscillator Calibration
ISO 17025 Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
ISO 17025 Insulation Tester Calibration
ISO 17025 LCR Meter Calibration
ISO 17025 Meter Calibrator Calibration
ISO 17025 Multifunction Tester Calibration
ISO 17025 Ohmmeters Calibration
ISO 17025 Power Supply Calibration
ISO 17025 Pulse Generator Calibration
ISO 17025 Signal Generator Calibration
ISO 17025 Standard Resistor Calibration
ISO 17025 Standard Capacitors Calibration
ISO 17025 Standard Inductors Calibration
ISO 17025 Sweep Oscillators Calibration
ISO 17025 Standard Cells Calibration
ISO 17025 Voltmeters Calibration
ISO 17025 Zener References Calibration
ISO 17025 Wattmeter Calibration
ISO 9001 Loop Tester Calibration
ISO 9001 RCD Tester Calibration
ISO 9001 Microwave Leakage detector Calibration
Please, feel free to Contact Us either by phone or email for any further information or enquiries.