Chemical Calibration
AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory offering experienced and Chemical calibration services. Our company was established in 2004 and over the years we gained enough experience and know-how to do our job to the best possible standard. AMECaL is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for a wide range of services, including chemical calibration. Our accreditation body is Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. Visit our Calibration Services page to see all of the services we offer.
AMECaL offers calibration services in accordance to British National Standard (traceable pH Meter calibration) or ISO 17025 international standard (ISO 17025 pH Meter calibration). All electrical and environmental test equipment should be calibrated every 6 – 12 months to ensure its accuracy and good working order. AMECaL offers calibration and repair services for almost any make or model of pH Meter.
Our company understands that every situation is different and that is why we are always open for custom quotes.
The following are some of the services we offer:
ISO 17025 Conductivity Meter Calibration
ISO 17025 Salinity Meter Calibration
ISO 17025 pH Meter Calibration
ISO 17025 Sucrose Solutions Calibration
ISO 17025 Refractive Index Calibration
ISO 17025 Refractometry Calibration
ISO 17025 Viscosity Calibration
Please, feel free to Contact Us either by phone or email for any further information or enquiries.