ISO 17025: 2017 Viscosity Calibration
AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory accredited with ISO/IEC 17025:2017. With more than 20 years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, we have managed to build a stable position on the market. AMECaL is also a brand of its own, selling certified electrical and environmental test equipment to customers all around the world.
All test equipment should be calibrated to ensure that its measurement scale is always accurate and reliable. Due to common wear and tear of an instrument this may not always be the case. Factors like temperature, humidity, pressure and bad user-handling contribute to errors in measurements, which is why calibration services are so important and can save customers a lot of money in the future.
Our laboratory is specialised in Viscosity calibration. All measuring equipment naturally drifts with time and require recalibration and adjustment. Viscometers and Viscosity Cups are not an exception to this trend and that is why it is so important to keep them in optimal working order.
AMECaL offers calibration services in accordance to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard (ISO 17025 Viscosity calibration) or National Traceability Standard (traceable Viscosity calibration). We understand that every situation requires an individual solution and that is why we are open to custom quotes.